Nicktoons: G.L.O.B.E. Archives

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Nicktoons: G.L.O.B.E. Archives

Random! Cartoons is an animation showcase produced by Frederator Studios for Nickelodeon and the second one created for the network after Oh Yeah! Cartoons.

Show Description[]

Frederator Studios produced thirty-nine stand-alone comedy cartoons for Nickelodeon to make up the thirteen half-hours of Random! Cartoons. Besides being the launchpad for Adventure Time, Fanboy & Chum Chum and Bravest Warriors, the anthology also featured films by a host of future cartoon VIPs, including Kyle Carrozza (Mighty Magiswords), Diane Kredensor (The Ollie and Moon Show), Aliki Theofilopoulos (Harvey Street Kids), Niki Yang (Adventure Time), Adam Henry (She-Ra), Anne Walker (BoJack Horseman) and Adam Muto (Adventure Time)

Episode List[]

Premiere Date Ep No. Name
December 6, 2008 101 Solomon Fix / MooBeard the Cow Pirate / Two Witch Sisters
December 7, 2008 102 The Finster Finster Show / Adventure Time / Mind the Kitty
December 13, 2008 103 Ivan the Unbearable / Boneheads / Tiffany
December 20, 2008 104 Call Me Bessie! / Teapot / Hornswiggle
December 27, 2008 105 Hero Heights / Yaki & Yumi / Gary Guitar
January 3, 2009 106 Krunch and the Kid / Bradwurst / Dr. Froyd's Funny Farm
January 10, 2009 107 The Bravest Warriors / The Dangerous Duck Brothers / Sparkles & Gloom
January 17, 2009 108 The Infinite Goliath / Kyle + Rosemary / Garlic Boy
January 24, 2009 109 Flavio / SamSquatch / Girls on the Go!: "First Date"
January 31, 2009 110 Victor the Delivery Dog / Bronk and Bongo: "Losing Patients" / Thom Cat
December 20, 2009 111 Squirly Town
December 19, 2009 Fanboy
December 20, 2009 Handy Cat: "Bees-ness as Usual"
April 4, 2009 112 Sugarfoot / Dugly Uckling's Treasure Quest / Dr. Dee & Bit Boy
April 11, 2009 113 Super John Doe Junior / 6 Monsters / Ratzafratz